zondag 20 januari 2008

Boek Lana Slezic in de Bibliotheek van Assen

Het Boek van Lana Slezic is aangekomen in de Bib in Assen. Heb al eerder over haar geschreven vorig jaar. Erg mooi om door te bladeren en opmerkelijk hoe je zulke mooie fotos kan maken van toch wel verschrikkelijk ongelijke situaties. Een review van het boek vindt je hieronder:

The book

In March 2004, when award-winning photographer Lana Šlezic began an assignment in Afghanistan, she never dreamed she would stay for two years. At the time she believed that since the ousting of the suffocating Taliban in 2001, Afghan women and girls were living under considerably less oppressive conditions. She soon discovered that life for Afghan women was not as she expected and felt compelled to stay and document their story. With the help of a young female Afghan as her friend and translator, Lana photographed women all over the country. Over endless cups of tea in sitting rooms from city to village, Lana learned that Afghan women are still living in a harrowingly oppressive society where forced marriage, domestic violence, honor killings, and an unpalatable lack of freedom still exist. Even today many are not allowed to leave their homes or go to school, and the burka remains a common sight on the dusty streets of the war-torn country. Forsaken: Afghan Women is a collection of photographs and vignettes that document Lana’s journey over the two-year period during which she lived and worked in Afghanistan.

About the Author
Lana Šlezic was born in Toronto, Canada in 1973 to Croatian parents. Šlezic has exhibited her work at War Photo LImited in Croatia, the Toronto International Art Fair, and the Kargart Gallery for the Istanbul Ifsak Biennial. The recipient of various photography awards, including the International Summit Creative Award, the Gold National Magazine Award of Canada, the Society for News Design Award, and the Luis Valtuena Award for Humanitarian Photography, Šlezic has contributed to The Guardian, The New York Times, British Journal of Photography, British Vogue, The Independent, and Canadian Geographic, to name just a few. Forsaken is Šlezic’s first book

2 opmerkingen:

Jacky van der Ende zei

Arnold, heb jij het boek meteen geleend (neem het dan vrijdag mee!) of staat het nog in de bib.? Misschien wil Joop het dan wel lenen :-) Helaas heb ik geen lenerspas meer van de bib.Assen. Maar ik zal ook eens gaan kijken wat ze in Groningen allemaal voor moois te leen hebben.

Anoniem zei

zeer interessant, bedankt